Usually, when looking at the drivers for a new design directions, there are several diverse threads that need to be pulled together. This time it’s different, with one compelling and overarching macro theme; resources.
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Material Directions: SS 2023
Thesimmering anger and push for change seen in the early 1980s are reflected in the current political climate. Fury explores this landscape with protest-driven innovation informing design directions.
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AW 2023/24 Geographic Focus
We explore our AW 2023/24 design directions 1969, Soon, Heartbreaker and Find with a spotlight on regional designers encapsulating the spirit of the story. Our hope is that you’ll discover new names and be inspired to connect or collaborate.
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Material Directions: SS 2023
Introducing SS 2023: Sleep
The pandemic saw an increase in forced self-awareness and a heightened preoccupation with wellbeing. Here, we focus on Sleep, no longer a guilty indulgence but more an aspect of self-care.
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MIX Magazine Issue 69 | 2024 Part Two
For many of us it has felt like the last few years have been static, so the speed with which the world is returning to normal can feel dissociative, giving new experiences, a slightly odd, out of body experience.
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Material Directions: SS 2023
Introducing AW 2022/23: Belief
There is a fatalistic undertone to Belief that plays out in a theatrical and otherworldly aesthetic taking cues from astrology and spiritual stargazing to talismans and symbolic charms.