Trade Show

A three-year pause has proved the ideal chance for reinvention, and Stockholm Furniture Fair has seized that opportunity, with a slew of fresh initiatives and even a streamlined name.

As the world moves on from the pandemic aesthetics and ventures out once more, Swedish designers are acutely aware of the importance of reinvention. Stockholm Design Week report.

Back after a significant gap of four years, Germany’s biggest office and contract show Orgatec was a chance to see if the recent seismic shifts in work have filtered through to office design.

Despite celebrating its 20th anniversary, 2022’s edition of London Design Festival was a somewhat subdued event, with the effects of the pandemic and current economic uncertainty continuing to be felt.

The latest edition of Dutch Design Week saw an abundance of introspective projects that express a complex and sometimes contradictory web of political, physical and spiritual viewpoints.

Over 600 companies from 26 countries came together to make the 39th edition of Cersaie, The International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings, a statement on sustainability.

While the crowds were back to pre-pandemic numbers at this year’s contemporary art fair Frieze London, last year’s rejection of the brash and the shocking in favour of something gentler and more personal seems to have stuck. The dial remains firmly turned to commerciality, rather than shock and awe.