Despite being so ubiquitous, glass remains a tantalising enigma. An amorphous liquid structure with the touch and feel of a solid, this unique and mysterious material continues to inspire.

Dedicated to material innovation, London’s Surface Design Show was a welcome chance to catch up on the latest directions in this sector.

In addressing the issues with extractive and polluting processes, material designers are looking to the patterns and principles of nature. Diversification in the sourcing and processing of raw materials is core to this bio-based revamp.

With lives lived increasingly online, reality is in danger of becoming subjective. The CMF directions for the 2025 design direction HACK.

Finding beauty in the quiet simplicity of the unadorned and the everyday. The CMF directions for the 2025 design direction STILL LIFE.

Merging climate anxiety, nature symbolism, feminism and folklore to reaffirm culture and identity. The CMF directions for the 2025 design direction SOUL

The narrative around climate change and environmental protection is shifting from an exercise in deprivation to one of positive action. The CMF directions for the 2025 design direction LAND.

Metals of antiquity, a term coined by Plato, was given to early metallurgical discoveries made by people of the past. Now artists and designers are exploring this ancient knowledge.